How it Works

NZ Flight Club has only one goal; to save you 20-90% off your
next flight and make the holiday of your dreams a reality.

Find out how we find New Zealand's cheapest flight deals below.

Step 1.

Sign up to NZ Flight Club.
It's as easy as entering your email address, choosing your preferred airports and how often you want to receive cheap flight deals.
We offer both free & premium membership tiers, so check out our pricing here.

Step 2.

Our intelligent software scans the Worlds largest hidden flight database for crash sales, mistake fares and other ways to save you cash. Our passionate team of flight hackers then verify these cheap flight deals making sure they are no nasty surprises (long stopovers, extra charges etc) and send these cheap flight deals directly to your inbox. 

Step 3.

Book that flight, you're going on the holiday of a lifetime.

You won't believe how many cheap flight deals are out there.
On average you'll save $300+ on each flight you book with NZ Flight Club, allowing you to explore the World for less.

How do we find cheap flights?

Airline pricing is an incredibly complicated and constantly changing algorithm, with flight prices varying hundreds of dollars each day or even hour. This complicated process is to help airlines maximise their profits on every seat sold,  and the main factors that determine the price of a ticket are the occupancy rates of the flight vs. the time until the flight departs. For example, If a flight is selling up quickly for an unforeseen reason, such as a Bruce Springsteen concert is bringing a lot of old rockers out of retirement and into town, then the airline algorithm will realise there is a demand for this flight and the prices will rise because people will buy tickets to fly and see "the Boss" regardless of the price. However this also works the other way, which is where we come in.

July is usually a busy time to visit Queenstown for ski season, so the airline will account for this and schedule extra flights. If the snow is late to arrive one year then these flights will be far emptier than usual. To encourage people to fill these empty seats the airline algorithm will initiate a completely unadvertised sale, with the hopes of get these flights ticket sales back on track. These unadvertised sales can be anywhere between 20-90% off! These sales are often impossible to predict, but thanks to NZ Flight Club you could be scoring some seriously cheap Queenstown flights!

Our state-of-the-art software scans the Worlds most powerful hidden flight database for every single flight departing New Zealand. Once a cheap flight deal is detected, our passionate team of cheap flight hackers manually verifies it for any nasty surprises (long stopovers, extra charges etc) then sends it directly to your inbox, giving you access to the best NZ cheap flight deals before anyone else. These deals can stick around from a few hours to a few days, so getting in early is essential and its important to act fast.  NZ Flight Club isn't a 3rd party booking agent and we send a link to the flight via Skyscanner allowing you to book your flights through your preferred provider with confidence all whilst earning loyalty points.

Our prices are the cheapest NZ flight deals anywhere and often beat Grab-a-Seat prices by 50% on the same route!
Airline pricing is an incredibly complicated and constantly changing algorithm, with flight prices varying hundreds of dollars each day or even hour. This complicated process is to help airlines maximise their profits on every seat sold,  and the main factors that determine the price of a ticket are the occupancy rates of the flight vs. the time until the flight departs.

Our state-of-the-art software scans the Worlds most powerful hidden flight database for every single flight departing New Zealand. Once a cheap flight deal is detected, our passionate team of cheap flight hackers manually verifies it for any nasty surprises (long stopovers, extra charges etc) then sends it directly to your inbox, giving you access to the best NZ cheap flight deals before anyone else.

These deals can stick around from a few hours to a few days, so getting in early is essential and its important to act fast.  NZ Flight Club isn't a 3rd party booking agent and we send a link to the flight via Skyscanner allowing you to book your flights through your preferred provider with confidence all whilst earning loyalty points.

Our prices are the cheapest NZ flight deals anywhere and often beat Grab-a-Seat prices by 50% on the same route!
Get started

Save Money

Save 20-90% off your next flight.
On average you could save $300+ with each flight you book with NZ Flight Club, which is more than 3X a yearly premium membership.

Save Time

Sit back and relax, let us do the hard work.
No more spending hours scouring the web for the best deals, just to find the price has risen.  NZ Flight club lets the deals come to you.

Travel More

Travel further for less.
With so many cheap flight deals are out there, travelling the World and making priceless memories is more realistic than you think.

Is NZ Flight Club worth it?

We certainly like to think so! You can join our Free membership tier for, (you guessed it!) completely free.
No credit card details and no funny buisness, just one epic flight deal per week.

If you are serious about saving money and seeing the World, we'd highly recommend joining our Premium Membership. Not only will you receive 4X more deals, but on average you will save 3X your yearly membership by booking just one flight with NZ Flight Club. Most of our members book several flights a year saving thousands of dollars whilst enjoying travelling the World.

Still unsure? Check out our Frequently Asked Questions.
We certainly like to think so! You can join our Free membership tier for, (you guessed it!) completely free.
No credit card details and no funny buisness, just one epic flight deal per week.

If you are serious about saving money and seeing the World, we'd highly recommend joining our Premium Membership. Not only will you receive 4X more deals, but on average you will save 3X your yearly membership by booking just one flight with NZ Flight Club. Most of our members book several flights a year saving thousands of dollars whilst enjoying travelling the World.

Still unsure? Check out our Frequently Asked Questions.
See Membership Tiers
nz flight club cheap flights
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